I Serve.. I Ride..
Service, Loyalty, Integrity, and Honor
Green Knights Chapter 98 Southeastern CT is located in the Groton CT area. Founded in February of 2000 on McGuire AFB, NJ, The Green Knights Military Motorcycle Club is comprised of military members of all branches of the US Armed Forces, retirees, civilian employees of the armed forces and their dependents. Membership is also open to the armed forces of other countries. The intent of the club is to promote safety and allow military people to gather and enjoy motorcycling and voice their opinion to their leadership and protect the rights of motorcyclists.
We are a military affiliated and chartered motorcycle club devoted to service, loyalty, integrity, and honor. Our purpose is the promotion and education of motorcycling to the community on and off base, as well as an opportunity to share the hobby (or obsession) with one another. Members include active duty, reserve, guard and retired service men and women, and their families, along with federal employees. We hold meetings once a month, and have planned rides (w/ destination) at least once a month. The Green Knights do not discriminate against any type of motorcycle. We only require that your motorcycle be 500cc or bigger. We are always looking for quality members to come and share the roads with us!
Contact us via facebook @ GreenKnightsChapter 98 or email at greenknightsmmc98@gmail.com.